Blog Posts

 MLS laser therapy is a multi-wave locked system which means that two sources of different wavelengths are pulsed and synchronised to get synergistic effects. Laser is the acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. What is high-power deep tissue laser therapy? MLS Laser Therapy...

Dry and cracked heels? With Winter fast approaching many people will start to notice their skin becoming dry. Many parts of the body can be affected, but to a podiatrist the most common complaints are callouses and dry, cracked skin on the feet – namely...

Toenail Bracing is a safe and effective treatment option that avoids toenail surgery, requires no anaesthetic, requires no recovery period, offers immediate pain reduction, and allows the quick resumption of sporting and daily activities. It is a treatment designed to improve the toenail shape and prevent...

SOME REASONS TO SEE A PODIATRIST   There are so many different factors that go into having a high level of health and well-being. You may need regular checkups with doctors of various specialties to ensure you stay in great shape. One of the most used body...

Why does the pad of my foot hurt when I walk? Capsulitis, synovitis, bursitis…… what does it all mean?! If you have pain under the ball of your foot you could have one or all of these common conditions.   Let us try to explain a little better about the mechanics of the forefoot.  Then we will discuss HOW and WHY different treatments can help with your sore foot.  

[gallery columns="4" size="medium" ids="784,782"] Flamingo Feet- Silicone Toe Activators Have you ever seen a flamingo up close? They stand tall, balanced and poised . . . and they are actually standing on their tip toes! Inspired by this beauty, Freestyle Flamingo Feet are comfortable, silicone toe spreaders...

Sleep and Chronic Pain Sleep is important.  More than important, it is as essential. As essential as oxygen, food, and water.    Without it, you will die.  Losing a few hours of precious sleep will make you feel pretty ordinary, to completely dreadful the next day.